So the last post I posted had two aspects to it, a bit of sport and a bit of photoshop creativity.
This time I think I have three things.. (Although one is the same as last time...)
So after the large enjoyment of the rugby I photographed, I decided to get more involved in sport photography. I find it very satisfying to see that great action shot that kind of sums up the game. I posted all the best shots on my website ( Interestingly the one photo I really liked of a touchdown didn't appear to be everyone elses favourite photo! Looking at it now (it's here if you would like to see it) you can't really tell it's a touch down, there are no posts, there's no line, so really it just looks like someone's making a catch.
What I am most proud of is that one of my photos from the game has been published on the back page of the uni newspaper. A small achievement but an achievement nonetheless. The original photo is here and the photo of it in the newspaper is here. So I am pleased about this. I've also been asked since then if I would photograph the Kent Ultimate Frisbee team which I plan to do next week :)
The next thing photography related I did was go to a wedding last weekend. It was a delightful wedding of my girlfriends cousin and fiance, and although I wasn't officially photographing the wedding they provide wonderful opportunities to take great photos.
It's all good practice and wonderful fun :) Weddings are (generally) such happy relaxed(ish) occasions!
The final thing I did was go for a drive.
Simple I know but something I rarely do! I love to drive in the countryside and wherever I have happened to live the countryside has never been far away. (Basically I've never lived in a city!) I got in my car this afternoon and after having checked google maps' satellite view for anything resembling a field I got in my car and drove. The sun was shining, the music was on and I was constantly on the look out for a good landscape to photograph! Albeit not the best technique when you're driving at 50 down country lanes. Turns out I didn't find any amazing fields, but I ended up in Whitstable a place I have been to a few times before and found very little photographic inspiration! It's kind of a bland sea side town, with stony beaches and plagued with groynes! (remember that GCSE geography?!)
Anyway I took some photos that aren't particularly earth shattering but really it was nice to get some fresh air! I wanted some time to think to myself but I think if I want to do that again I shan't take my camera, because all my mind thinks about is camera type things and not the more relevant topics of todays life, all of which sound really pretentious! (Like: What is my purpose? What impact can I make on the world? Etc etc!)
But it's been a good week or two (and now my dissertation is in, and I've defended my expert witness report in court (as part of my course (the scariest part I might add!)) life seems relatively fun and I can go out and do these things without thinking I should be stuck in the library!
I have also realised that ages ago when I started reading blogs, many of them had their "signature" sign off! I realised mine was "Done for now". This is rubbish. Why do they all need to end the same way. It's a little too much "Dear Diary" for my taste. So now I shall be ending in whatever manner I feel!
This one shall end:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh (in a relaxed sigh sort of way!)
ps here are a few of photos from my whitstable adventure today click for a bigger version
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